Institute 4.10 harmonises its practices and implements common processes for its training centres

Institute 4.10 is the training and support centre for the French Social Security system.

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  • Professional training
  • Community
  • Vaulx-en-Velin (69)

4.10 Institute client case study


On 1 January 2016, 4.10 Institute became the training and support centre of the General Social Security Scheme, replacing the 14 Regional Training and Professionalisation Centres that existed previously

The grouping of these 14 centres into one raised issues of harmonising practices and implementing common processes.

A software suite and a methodology that is easy to learn, and quality support. We appreciated the possibility offered by the PYX4 tool to access and manage documents already existing on other storage spaces.

Quality & Internal Control Manager
4.10 Institute
Professional training

The main stages of the project

Implementation of PYX4 Process and Improver solutions

Identification of 14 macro-processes

Appointment of pilots in charge of modelling their processes and procedures

Training of pilots and modellers by PYX4

Dissemination and sharing with 250 employees across 14 sites.

In brief

How to harmonise practices and implement common processes?


  • Determine a target organisation
  • Formalise and share the processes with 14 sites


  • 14 training centres
  • Different practices


  • Structuring our process approach
  • Trained and structured teams
  • 28 PUs and 14 graphs already modelled


4.10 Institute uses the PYX4 Process module

Discover the solution integrated within the 4.10 institute and start a similar approach to meet your challenges and objectives.

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logotype de PYX4 Process

PYX4 Process

Software designed to map your organisation’s activities in a collaborative and centralised manner.

logotype de pYX4 Improver

PYX4 Improver

Software designed to process field feedback and apply your action plans for audit and certification purposes.

Want to know more?

Our teams are here to help you and provide you with the solutions best suited to your needs.


Sylvie PIGAULT / Quality & Internal Control Manager

How did you hear about our solution?

At the time of the CRFP, the CRFP in Limoges was a satisfied user of Qualigram, a software suite that evolved into PYX4, so we studied PYX4 among other solutions on the market.

What did you find relevant in our offer? What convinced you to choose PYX4?

The easy-to-understand modelling methodology and the tool’s accessibility to all via standard internet access were big advantages, as well as the simple operation and document management with the workflow principle.

The PYX4 Improver module, which enables the reporting of malfunctions in processes or procedures.

More generally, the modularity of the suite’s offer, which allows the software to be enriched with new functionalities as the internal approach matures.

We appreciated the possibility offered by the PYX4 tool to access and manage documents already existing on other storage spaces, such as operating procedures for example, directly from the procedures modelled in the tool.

Finally, the support offers around the implementation of a process approach, which were not proposed by the other editors consulted.

What are the expectations linked to this project and more generally to the Quality approach?

Our objective is to finalise the modelling of our processes within the next 6 months, and all our procedures within a year, before continuing with the modelling of work instructions in the format made available in PYX4.

How did you organise yourself to involve the project stakeholders?

We identified 14 macro-processes, representing the general mapping of our organisation. For each macro-process, we appointed a pilot responsible for modelling in PYX4 the process for which he or she is responsible, as well as all the related procedures. Each pilot is assisted by a modeller, and is of course supported, monitored and supervised by the project team of which I am a member.

PYX4 helped us to think about our process approach, to build our processes and procedures and to train our pilots and modellers in the tool itself.

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